Continuous Review
For Your Code
Open source platform for automated codechecks. Pick from a vibrant ecosystem of already existing integrations to improve your code review workflow.
Sign in with Github
Sign in with Github

Bulletproof code reviews

codechecks gives you superpowers during code review process by saving developers’ time and decreasing the number of bugs before they ever get a chance to reach production.

Bulletproof code reviews

codechecks gives you superpowers during code review process by saving developers’ time and decreasing the number of bugs before they ever get a chance to reach production.

Powerful API

A codecheck is a piece of JavaScript code that can run any logic and access Code Checks’ API. Starting from inspecting files changed in a given PR to running sophisticated visual regression on screenshots from base branch — everything is possible. Our API helps you to store and interact with artifacts and notify GitHub about results. Just imagine all the possibilities!

Warm hugs to Open Source

Our platform is your platform. Our API and official checks are fully open sourced allowing you to improve and tweak your experience however you want. Just grab source code from GitHub. Contributions are always welcomed!

Warm hugs to Open Source

Our platform is your platform. Our API and official checks are fully open sourced allowing you to improve and tweak your experience however you want. Just grab source code from GitHub. Contributions are always welcomed!

How does it work?

How does it work?

codechecks' API
codechecks client, running on your CI,
connects with our API,
storing and retrieving artifacts
Github PR feedback
codechecks submits
detailed feedback
via GitHub
Pull request
Create pull request
on Github
CI runs
Your CI provider
starts test pipeline

How does it work?

codechecks' API
codechecks client, running on your CI,
connects with our API,
storing and retrieving artifacts
Github PR feedback
codechecks submits
detailed feedback
via GitHub
Pull request
Create pull request
on Github
CI runs
Your CI provider
starts test pipeline

How does it work?

Pull request
Create pull request
on Github
CI runs
Your CI provider
starts test pipeline
codechecks‘ API
It connects with our API,  storing and retrieving code artifacts
Github PR feedback
codechecks submits detailed feedback via GitHub

Once written, always useful

Visual Regression: Inspect screenshot changes introduced in a PR. Can be used with Storybook or E2E tests.
Bundle size: Keep your bundle size in check and detect when it gets too big.
Test Coverage: Track which lines of your code are missing tests.
Per Commit deployment: Trivially ship your code for ease of review.
Google Lighthouse integration: Detect performance and accessibility problems early. Coming soon!
Your next idea!
Test Coverage: Track which lines of your code are missing tests.
API Watcher: Warn about breaking changes in your API based on GraphQL or Swagger definitions.
Your next idea!
Type Coverage: Track missing type coverage to ensure type safety.
Public interface watcher: Warn about breaking changes in public interface.
Single lockfile — fail PR if someone commits unnecessary lockfile.

Works with tools that you already love

codechecks are executed inside your CI. It works with any CI provider. Just add new environment variable containing your project secret and you’re ready to go.

codechecks works best with Github but support for Atlassians BitBucket and Gitlab is coming soon!


$0 / forever
Open Source projects only
1 GB artifacts storage
Get Started
$79 / mo
3 private repositories
2 GB artifacts storage per project
Unlimited Team Members
Start 30-day Free Trial
$179 / mo
+ $10 for every next repository
10 private repositories
2 GB artifacts storage per project
Unlimited Team Members
Start 30-day Free Trial
Need help with on-promise installation?
We provide world-class support, security and scale.
We can help you speed up your CI process.
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$0 / forever
Open Source projects only
1 GB artifacts storage
Get Started
$79 / mo
3 private repositories
2 GB artifacts storage per project
Unlimited Team Members
Start 30-day Free Trial
$179 / mo
+ $10 for every next repository
10 private repositories
2 GB artifacts storage per project
Unlimited Team Members
Start 30-day Free Trial
Need help with on-premise installation?
We provide world-class support.
We can help you integrating codechecks into your organisation.
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Do not need our hosting? Try setting up self-hosted instance always for free.

skyrocket your efficiency today

Improve your code review workflow today.
Develop your project with confidence
using codechecks!